Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Our survey was psychic: New York Times, you read our minds!

Nipping at the heels of our weekend survey is an article about book compatibility in the New York Times. Consider yourself linked - as we here at NBLB ponder the question: Would you break up over book choice? Would you really judge him/her based on the book covers you scan on their shelves? And does a copy of "DaVinci Code" signal a relationship "don't"?

Coming up (sometime this week)...a multimedia Austen anthology, more bodice-ripping cliches, "Compleat" cats, and anything we're able to read on the go...

'Til then...live to read! Click back soon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First of all: Just because I'm Catholic doesn't mean that I won't break up with somebody who owned books by right-wing conservative authors. Quite the opposite, in fact; in my personal experience, I've found that people who subscribe and evangelize to the gospels of Rush Limbaugh and their ilk have a tendency to be emotionally immature, not to mention half-baked in their faith.

I'm more likely to break up with somebody over their CD collection, though. There is a reason, after all, why I have a severe allergic reaction to Kid Rock...