That said. If I were to put EPL in a deathmatch against another Oprah-approved book, I'd put it on equal footing with yet another memoir about a selfish, broken-hearted, well-to-do American who chucked everything to travel the world and find one's self in the process. In other words...
I'll admit, I read Honeymoon with my Brother before I read EPL because I was aware of the inevitable Liz Gilbert backlash. (And also because I found a harcover copy from a neighbor's give-away stash while waiting for the Gilbert book to arrive from Amazon.) I'll also admit that Franz Wisner's writing doesn't exactly compare to Liz Gilbert's, especially when you consider that Gilbert is a professional, published writer with years of experience in the book business, and Honeymoon was cobbled together from a series of emails that Franz and Kurt Wisner sent to their (equally powerful and well-connected) friends during their ongoing trips all over the world.
And, look, both of them even have lovely meditations on the Brazilian Portuguese language!
In bed he slips into adoring me in Portuguese, so I have graduated from being his "lovely little darling" to being his queridinha. (Literal translation: "lovely little darling.") I've been too lazy here in Bali to try to learn Indonesian or Balinese, but suddenly Portuguese is coming easy to me. Of course I'm learning the pillow talk, but that's a fine use of Portuguese.
"We loved Pau de Acucar," I said, pronouncing it as "pow day a-Sue-car." "Took the tram up there yesterday afternoon for the sunset. Beautiful, just beautiful, Pau de Acucar."
Claudia began to chuckle, prompting Deborah to shoot her a glance [...]
Her father grabbed his plate and started back to the kitchen. I thought I heard him laugh as well. I know I heard Claudia giggle some more. Ana Carolina, too. Deborah grabbed my arm, pulling my head below table level for an emergency conference."Do you know what you're saying?" she whispered. "You're telling my parents that you think your penis is stunning."
"What did I say?"
"You said pau instead of pao. Pao means bread. Pau means penis."
"So Pau de Acucar means sugar penis? I've been raving about my sugar penis?"
I also think that Wisner also has a slight edge because he doesn't even pretend to be anywhere near enlightened about the journey he has taken; he does acknowledge that he wants no pity or sympathy from the dear reader for anything that he has gone through. He doesn't even pretend that his breakup has changed his view of women and relationships, either - as can be seen in the sex scenes strewn around the book involving the women he meets up with in his travels, and the (admittedly) bittersweet nostalgia he held for his ex.
Readers who were worn down by Gilbert's insistent chorus of "this trip is for meeeeee" may actually find some solace in Wisner's take on family values; aside from the titular brother and the friends they encounter along the way, there's also the presence of the Wisners' grandmother-figure LaRue, whose loving relationship with the boys provide a much-needed contrast to their bumbling adventures. Perhaps, then, it won't come as a surprise that Wisner's story does not have the stereotypical Hollywood-style happy ending, especially when you consider that the woman who does become Mrs. Franz Wisner doesn't even show up in the book at all.
This isn't to say that I'd recommend one over the other; again, while I think that EPL is better-written and more contemplative, Honeymoon still stands as a solid travelogue, and Wisner's lack of polish as a writer actually complements the book. What I'd recommend, then, is to do as I have done: read both books, back to back, as a "double feature" of sorts. Treat both books as two halves of the same universal story, and then use them as an inspiration for your own travel plans.
*Also because, as I have mentioned in Domesticity, I already have some casting ideas in my head: As much as I would kill to see Paul Rudd and Peter Sarsgaard redeem their careers as the Brothers Wisner, I won't mind at all if Hollywood went the obvious route and cast George Clooney and Aaron Eckhart instead.
McSteamy and McDreamy as Bros. Wisner = the Lifetime Movie!
And yes - there will be no more Chikatime et al for this gal. The only scandals will be fictional...or at least well-written memoirs!
Ha! I bet you that Patrick Dempsey is about to demand a copy of the script (and putting away the Grecian Formula) as we speak.
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