Saturday, March 22, 2008

Miss Austen Says No, No, No

Like many geeky bookworms of A Certain Age, I spent a good chunk of my Sundays following The Complete Jane Austen on PBS' Masterpiece Theatre. Nevermind that they've reformatted the old public-television chestnut to include a softly-lit Gillian Anderson stiffly intoning intros against a background that Keckler of Television Without Pity rightfully likened to a "My Moment, My Dove" commercial - it's the Beeb's own reinterpretation of Aunt Jane's finest work, so how hard could it be to refuse?

For the most part, however, I did enjoy most of the adaptations, especially Northanger Abbey and Mansfield Park (worth it just for Billie "Honey to the B" Piper reciting flawless dialogue in regency garb). I also enjoyed the adaptation of Persuasion, too, but somehow I couldn't get myself past the fact that the actress who plays Anne Elliot bore a strange resemblance to another talented British celebrity, albeit one more troubled than your average Austen heroine.

Here's Sally Hawkins as Anne Elliot...

...and here's the person whose face kept popping up every time Sally Hawkins was on screen.

That ought to put some things in perspective, shouldn't it? Oh, they have attempted to send me to a sanctuary for teetotallers, but I have steadfastly, adamantly refused. Why, verily, I have been foul, but when I am proper, you will surely and definitely be able to recognize it as so! I may not have enough time, and if Papa should believe that I am suitable, you can try to force me into temperance and surely, with defiance, I shall refuse to go...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Verily, she protested too much, no (no no)?